University of Notre Dame
Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies


The project provides a platform for practitioners to apply and adapt Colombian innovations in transitional justice to various contexts. Through workshops and forums, it strives to facilitate the exchange of ideas and refinement of approaches based on the documented successes and challenges of the Colombian process.

The Legacy Project is dedicated to enhancing transitional justice in practice by utilizing insights from the Colombian peace process. This initiative applies lessons learned to global peacemaking and peacebuilding efforts, drawing on the innovative practices developed during the Colombian peace negotiations and the mandate of its Truth Commission.

Leveraging the Digital Platform

Central to the Legacy Project is the Truth Commission’s Digital Platform, a rich repository of data that offers practitioners worldwide continuous and direct access to a wealth of information on Colombia’s peace process. This platform provides detailed records of the methods and approaches implemented, documenting both their successes and challenges. Practitioners can use this resource to critically evaluate these strategies, identify best practices, and explore the limitations encountered during the peacebuilding and transitional justice process.

Global Application of Colombian Innovations

The Legacy Project serves as an active platform for learning and adaptation. It enables practitioners to rigorously test the innovations from the Colombian case and extract relevant lessons that can be adapted to other contexts undergoing transitions from war to peace. This practical approach recognizes the value of reflecting on and improving transitional justice practices based on real-world applications.

Strengthening Practices Worldwide

The project facilitates global partnerships by connecting practitioners across different regions and contexts. The Legacy Project fosters a collaborative environment that enriches the field of transitional justice.

Enriching Practice Through Engagement

The Legacy Project actively expands its impact by organizing workshops and policy forums that focus on the Colombian experience and its broader implications for transitional justice. These engagements provide a platform for practitioners to reflect deeply with the material, encouraging the exchange of ideas and strategies that can inform their work in various settings.

These initiatives ensure that the insights from the Legacy Project contribute to both the theoretical and practical advancements in transitional justice. By translating knowledge into actionable strategies, the project supports the development of effective approaches to building peace and administering justice in post-conflict societies, thus fostering a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of transitional justice challenges and solutions.